Blog owners are having a rough time getting ranked with Google as of late. With Google’s latest algorithm updates it seems to becoming harder and harder as time goes on. Keeping and increasing Google’s attention on both new and older blogs takes some thought and some reinventing of your blog.
Good Questions Regarding Your Blog Content:
– Are your posts loaded with information not easily accessible else where online?
– Are you writing about what people are looking for?
– Are you offering information that will help others in one way or another?
– Will your readers leave, feeling they have learned something new?
– Are you staying active on social media sites?
– Are you building a relationship with other blog owners and your readers?
– What Is Google Looking For Regarding Blog Content?
Google’s sole purpose is to find what people are looking for and sites that are delivering what searchers are seeking. Let’s take a closer look at what attracts Google’s attention:
Smile For The Camera: Is your blog pleasing to the eye ? Do you have a unique, custom design, limited advertising and are your images shareable?
Appealing: Does your site offer a welcoming atmosphere? Are you active on social media sites and offer blog interaction? Does your blog have others talking about it?
Friendly: Will readers find your site user-friendly and easy to leave comments?blog
Intelligent: Are your posts meaningful and helpful to others? Are readers learning something from your content?
Unique: Do you offer a rare and individual flair with creative content?
Are You Listening: Care about the searchers and not the search engines. Are you giving readers what they are looking for?
Integrity: Google hates cheaters and manipulators. Stay away from copyright infringement, illegal activities and hateful content.
Sincerity: Do you “believe” in what you are writing about? Readers will know the difference between passion and popularity.
What Is It All About: Are your posts simply a cover-up for advertising or built around keywords? Is your site loaded with links for making purchases? If your site is loaded with nothing more than advertising and purchases, readers will turn tail and run!
Positive Attitude: Make sure your posts are positive and upbeat. A really good blog should also be family friendly.
Choose Your Friends: Are you linking with sites that are in the grey zone? Unsuitable and holding bad reputations? If so, it’s time to look for a new crowd to hang out with.
Infomercials: There is absolutely nothing wrong with making money with your blog, many do. Just make sure you are giving more than you are getting. Quality should always come first.
I Happen To Like Me Do You? If you don’t like yourself, you can’t expect anyone else to. Create posts that you also enjoy reading and truly hope others will also.
Love Your Readers: Show your readers that you really care when they leave comments. Take a minute and answer them! Also, sign up for Google + You can follow others and add a share button to your blog.
Google is looking for blogs that are loaded with personality and are so very easy to fall in love with. Take a good look around your blog and find ways of improving its personality to the outside world- you might be pleasantly surprised when Google turns around and says: “I Love You.”
Courtesy of www.cardinalx.com