3 Types of Blogs That Drive Conversions

blogIf you are using a blog as one aspect of an integrative marketing strategy, then your main objective is probably to drive as many conversions as possible from people who visit your website. Knowing what kinds of blog content to utilize will help you accomplish that goal, and it could spare you from a lot of time and frustration. The following are a few types of blog posts that may enable you to start transforming more shoppers into buyers.

Offer Information Based on Current Events

One of the top ways to make your blog post relevant to readers is to base it on current news events. When you post information that is related to current issues, people are more likely to be interested in reading it than they otherwise might. They may also be more likely to feel that the information is relevant to them and their needs. If you own a dental practice and wish to convert readers into patients, consider posting content that discusses the latest dental whitening techniques. If a particular type of whitening procedure has been in the news recently, you could use this news item as a springboard for one post or even a series of articles.

Use Infographics

An easy strategy for yielding more conversions is to provide infographics in your blog posts. People may be more compelled to share such graphics with others via social media sites, so infographics could drive conversions in ways that you don’t initially expect. Infographics are typically better at holding the attention of the average Internet user than large blocks of text may be. Infographics can also be used along with blocks of text, in order to make such content more engaging and visually appealing to readers. An infographic can display the information you wish to convey in a concise and easily digestible manner. A good time to utilize such a tool could be when you wish to post data or other information that may otherwise seem uninteresting to a person who visits your site.

Utilize Video Content

In the same way that infographics may keep readers more interested and engaged than a block of text does, displaying video content could be even more effective than either text or infographics at holding the interest of site visitors. Video can capture a person’s attention for as long as that individual is watching it. One option is to reply via video to comments and questions left after your blog posts. You might also respond to questions people have asked on one or more of your social media pages. Another possibility is to provide a video montage of several testimonials that former customers have offered about your business. You could also take screenshots of content you have previously posted on your site, and then exhibit those snippets in video format.

Driving more conversions does not need to be a daunting project, but it should be an ongoing one. You will find a wealth of tools online to help you accomplish your goal of yielding more sales. Once you explore these tools and determine which ones work best for your business, you could transform more site visitors into buyers than you ever imagined.

If your brand’s content marketing strategy is in need of a quick boost, consider a new approach and contact the team at Clear Sky SEO. Putting their years of experience to hard work, Clear Sky SEO has assisted countless small businesses revamp their brand’s image through their comprehensive SEO campaigns. Contact the team at Clear Sky SEO today, and let us help transform your website into a knowledge base your customers will come back to again and again.
Author: Lola Colums


